Sunday, January 26, 2020


It's the weekend. It's snowing and cold. I should be running (ok, jogging) a 5K on an outdoor forest trail. My fear however, snow and rainy slush induced, is that I will twist my ankle or hurt myself in some way on the ungroomed path. After talking to friends, I decided not to risk my well being and to forego the race. I'm completely disappointed. As a back up plan, I got a one-day pass to a local gym so I could do an equivalent 5K on an indoor treadmill, safely. Apparently, my body had other ideas on partaking in any activity as I woke up with a new ache in my hip joint. Seriously, what the hell?

As I sit on my couch drowning myself in disappointment and Netflix movies, I highly recommend "Holiday in the Wild" by the way, I receive a text from a friend stating it's gorgeous out. I look out my window for a double take, perhaps she sees something I don't? Nope. It's still gray, wet, cold and snowing. I stand up, open my patio door and take a few photos with my cell phone. Perhaps the camera will show me something more brilliant than what I see with my own eyes? Not the case. I look at my pictures and still see nothing more than boring shades of depressing gray. What is my friend thinking? Today totally sucks.

As I sit here here and wonder what's so great about today, I think perhaps it isn't the weather at all. Ok, it's definitely not the weather. I think some more, wishing I had some warm coffee to accompany me and realize that the beauty of today is, I have a friend who thinks of me often and texts. I have a friend who loves me unconditionally and would appreciate nothing more than time together. That is what is gorgeous about today and any other day that makes me feel like tunneling under the blankets and staying there. Thank you my friend for just being you and shining through even on the grayest of days! 

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