Thursday, January 16, 2020

Grateful = Happy

Happiness, for me, is really the things I choose to be grateful for. I've been doing my best to recite and reflect upon what it is I am grateful for each morning and each night before I go to sleep.

There is no magic happy pill that puts me in a good mood because lets face it, life happens and it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Life can throw some curve balls that, quite frankly, just suck and have to be dealt with no matter what our intentions were for the day. We all do our best to get through those times and move forward in a more positive direction. We move on to new and better experiences, and our focus shifts.

To help with those transitions from not-so-great to pretty-darn-good moments, I choose to focus on what I'm grateful for each day. It's not a fancy conversation, it's not scientific. It's literally just me, taking a few moments in my head to run through the day and point out to myself the things that went well. These are the things that I am grateful and give thanks for.

On any given day, happiness for me is...

...waking up with no headache, aches or pains.

...having both prescriptions ready at the pharmacy versus just one, saving a call to doctor.

...sriracha hot sauce.

...dates with friends.

...smiling, happy people in the gym at 5am who are excited to see you (and vice versa).

...days that aren't frigid or windy.

...mail order shoes that fit perfectly, fresh out of the box!

...morning bird songs (a rarity in the cold weather).

...a teenager in a good mood. calls with friends (versus text).

...waking up before the alarm and actually feeling rested.

...gorgeous sunsets and knowing that the daylight is lasting a little longer every day!

What does your happy look like? 

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