Monday, November 7, 2016


To probably most people's delight, I am not posting daily, November "What I'm thankful for..." updates on social media. Albeit, I have plenty to be thankful for, but I can't believe the negative feedback I've received over the past years for simply being grateful. Having things to be thankful for is much different than having a "perfect life", which I've never claimed to have. Finding the positive "spin" on a shitty situation is an art form however, that some don't have, nor do they seemingly want to possess. Admittedly, it can be a fleeting art form for me some days, too.

My main reason for not committing myself to a daily, 30 day posting event however, is that I want to enjoy the things I'm thankful for, versus talk about them. I don't find myself with much free time these days, so living in the moment and appreciating it for what it is, is my main goal these days. Instead of talking or typing, 
I find myself taking lots of photos to capture memories in the making. Attached is probably my favorite weekend photo. 

Remember how much fun it was to be a kid and jump in the leaves? You didn't worry about getting dirty and you sure weren't concerned about raking or cleaning up the lawn afterwards. This is fun at it's finest. And more importantly, fun at it's simplest. 



Yesterday I got up early and went for a 40 minute walk. Outside. It was 8 degrees. Sadly, this is just the start of the brutal Chicago winte...