Monday, January 6, 2020


I don't think I've worked a full week of work since November so this week may be a bit of an adjustment for me, returning to the office grind full time. Thankfully in my time off I've been, or at least felt, productive. I'm 95% caught up on laundry, I've grocery shopped based on an actual meal plan for the week and my house is in somewhat decent order. I've ran every errand on my list and I even went to bed early last night in order to prepare for a 4am wake up call (in order to attend a 5am workout class). 

Yes, I was full of great expectations as to how my first Monday of the new year would go. I wanted to be "bright eyed and bushy tailed" and an inspiration for all who interact with me. You know, glowing and full of new year cheer! But the reality is, I'm tired. I didn't sleep well, not much at all really, and I'm just plain tired. It would have been easy to throw in the towel on my scheduled workout but then I'd just be pissed at myself in addition to being tired. And well, that's not a fun or constructive way to spend the day. 

So, here's to Monday! You came whether we wanted you to or not, and I will conquer you - tired or not. Fingers crossed for a better night's sleep tonight. 

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