Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 26

I was supposed to run outside today to complete day 6 of the Couch to 5K program. Sadly, I procrastinated and it began to rain just as I headed out. I am disappointed in that, but believe everything happens for a reason. Did my body need an extra day of rest after 7 days of biking and running? Maybe. Or at least that's what I am chucking this part of my day up to. I am grateful though that I was able to sit outside earlier today, read and soak up the sunshiny, warm rays. And, I will get my run in first thing tomorrow! I remind myself to focus on progress, not perfection.

In other news, I'm reading. If you remember, reading more is part of my new year's revolution. I am now in a book club with a girlfriend which has prompted me to start reading "Then She Was Gone" by Lisa Jewell. It's keeping me motivated and is a fast, suspenseful read!

I continue to look forward to my virtual workouts and am starting to appreciate being at home. Of course I miss going out to the movies, getting a professional manicure and pedicure but I don't miss the morning rush of racing out of the house to get to the gym, the bus stop, work, the chiropractor - or any other myriad of destinations scheduled. 

What are you missing out on during the COVID-19 outbreak? What is a new "normal" that you've come to appreciate? Taking up a new hobby? 

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