Wednesday, February 19, 2020


I refuse to be sick! I don't believe in the use of most over the counter products that treat cold and flu symptoms as I think they can do more (long term) harm than good, but one product I do personally approve of is zinc! Most commonly advertised and found in Zicam products (avoid the nasal sprays!) I do believe that the use of zinc shortens the duration of colds. I was recently told to try Sambucol as well, which contains mainly elderberry and some zinc - so we'll see how healing goes!

In the most basic explanation I can think of, zinc is proven to basically "suffocate" the germs in your body from reproducing and spreading more disease and distress. I have, knock on wood, never had a cold progress past a sore throat and sniffle once I've introduced the use of Zicam. Fingers crossed that the same occurs today! What are your "go to" cough and cold remedies? 

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