Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day

If I asked you to make a list of all the things you love, how long would it take until you named yourself?

It's February 14th, a day that can vary in emotions for many people. It's either a day of historical reference to the heart of Saint Valentine, a Hallmark holiday made up to sell candy or perhaps, it's just another Friday.  No matter how you feel about today I hope you realize that self love is the best love. Do something good for you today.

Sure this might sound lame but seriously, when's the last time you did something for yourself with no guilt? Something that was frivolous and fun? When's the last time you said something nice about yourself? Get to it already! Order that take out. Buy a new outfit. Compliment yourself. Whatever the gesture, it doesn't have to be grand. Start with appreciating where you're at and who you are. Put your name on that list of things you love today! 


  1. So TRUE .... excellent idea and something I rarely do. I can change.

  2. So TRUE .... excellent idea and something I rarely do. I can change.



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