Friday, October 9, 2020

Day 207

I ran my first ever 10K today! I completed it two minutes over my desired goal time, but I am still proud of the accomplishment. I have to say, had it not been for the COVID induced gym restrictions, I would have never accomplished this feat. I can't wait for my medals to arrive from this, the Toyota 10K Flying Pig as well as the Queen Bee 4 Miler that I completed earlier this week. Having participated in one leg of each event (the pig and bee) I will also be able to add the "Snout and Stinger" medal to my collection of bling. Don't worry, I'll share a pic when they all arrive! 




Yesterday I got up early and went for a 40 minute walk. Outside. It was 8 degrees. Sadly, this is just the start of the brutal Chicago winte...