Saturday, February 13, 2021

Day 336

We came up for air, if only for a few minutes (ok, hours) today. The significant other and I went out to dinner with friends tonight but were on a tight deadline to return home, you know, "at a decent hour". Due to unforeseen circumstances that weren't a part of the equation when we made the plans to go out tonight, our night felt forced to me. I couldn't really relax and surely didn't get to talk as much as I would have liked because the task was to eat and get home. 

I don't know what's worse - being rushed through your plans or not having any plans at all? Thoughts? 


  1. Being in the moment, as the Buddhists say, is quite hard, I think. My father used to say that often it is a good idea to try and remove the "should" from your life. It is pretty good advice, I think, but as always, it is in the execution and the details, and as such, much easier said than done.

    That all being said, I think people should be kind to themselves during these abnormal pandemic times. Sometimes navigating through in a middling fashion just has to be enough.

    1. Well said and agree, good reminder! Having been a previously active dog trainer, I would stress to my clients to "be in the moment" and failed to do so myself. As you stated, easier said than done (for me more often than I'd like!) but constantly a work in progress.



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