Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Day 311

Never have I been so excited to go to an eye doctor appointment (tomorrow)! I am a year over-due for an annual eye exam since the COVID outbreak cancelled my 2020 appointment (which I never got around to rescheduling). So, between the scuffs and scratches on my current lenses and my new habit of squinting, I can't wait for new eyewear.

This is quite the drastic change from when I first got glasses. I remember attending school in shame with my new glasses many decades ago. I was in first grade when the name four-eyes began. I walked to school in angst, knowing I'd be teased and I never lifted my head while in the classroom, hoping to hide my new facial accessory. I am pretty sure I remember crying, and even putting my head IN my desk to try to hide my new spectacles. 
Back then, schools had the open top desks that allowed for storage, I was hoping to store my whole head in there along with my feelings (because THAT didn't make it more obvious for others to look at me!). I hated my glasses. They were big and red and took up most of my face, as did most of the eyewear trends of that year. 

It's amazing that we are now in a time where kids actually want glasses (and braces) so they can be "cool". And more so, the bigger and more obnoxious the frames, the better. The nerdy-girl look is "in" and no one would dream of calling you "four eyes". Kids of this decade will never know the old school battles us goggle-wearing nerds faced. You know, the name calling, the getting into a snowball fight and having one land in your face, resulting in the snow being stuck between your frames and face? The pranks where kids licked their fingers and then smeared them all over your lenses? Yep, I experienced it all. 
Thankfully I survived my childhood trauma and actually embrace wearing glasses today - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

What, if any, childhood growing pain did you experience and survive - even if you thought at the time you wouldn't? 


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