Thursday, March 5, 2020


Yes I believe Coronavirus is real but I'm not succumbing to panic and fear. It seems like every year there is a new disease outbreak to whip up a pandemic frenzy. Last year there was Ebola, in the years before there was swine flu, bird flu and SARS just to name a few. And who can remember the effects of those diseases now? They seemingly disappear as quickly as they arise. 

In my local area there are shortages of surgical masks, toilet paper and hand sanitizer. And what for? Common sense tells us to wash our hands to prevent germ spreading and is considered far healthier than hand sanitizer chemicals that can promote super bugs. I am sure this post may seem "cold" to those directly impacted by the Coronavirus and that's not my intent. My intent is to promote common sense, and to reduce panic in those outside the disease's target group.

I won't go on about the conspiracy theories that come about when a "new" virus emerges near facilities that create chemical and biological warfare. And I won't ask you to think about if this is a coo to sell vaccines and to boost the medical economy. In those cases, the manufacturers would want you to panic, don't you think? 

I might not take Gus's (My Big Fat Greek Wedding reference) mode of tackling all things that ail you by applying Windex to it, but I'll do my best to wash my hands thoroughly and avoid germs. And if I get sick? It's not the end of the world. Zinc, vitamin C and lots of  Campbell's Chicken and Stars Noodle soup. I am not rushing off to the store to stock up on a month's worth of toilet paper and gallons of cleanser - where would I store it anyway?

What are your thoughts on Coronavirus? Do you have trusted cold-flu remedies? Stay healthy my friends!

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