Thursday, March 5, 2015


I started an Intro to Agility class tonight. I wasn't overly impressed with the curriculum, but was thankful to have an outline to follow knowing that I can tweak it however I see fit. It feels like years since I've been involved in Agility (ok, it has been years), and I can't remember the last time I actually taught it or thought of a course layout. So yeah, class was a bit nerve wracking. 

Despite my first day jitters, my students responded well to the basic exercises, and seemed to enjoy the equipment prep.The best feeling was, despite learning only the targeting basics and some foot and body work, my students all left with smiles on their faces and shared the group consensus that, "Class was fun!". Phew!

I'm always relieved at the end of a class. Not out of dread, but rather, I want to make sure that clients are satisfied and it's solely on me to make sure of that. It's a pretty big responsibility. I was poignantly reminded this weekend by an ex-teacher that being one (a teacher) is all about acting. And she was right. I can't allow my tiredness, any sickness or ill-feeling to shine through. I must perform. And the best thing about "performing" is, no mater how badly I feel physically or emotionally going into it, by the time class is over, I usually feel 100% better. 

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