Saturday, August 22, 2020

Day 159

I got up early this morning to run. I ran the farthest I ever have at one time (5+ miles). It was drizzling yet a peaceful run in the north woods. I was in the "zone" and felt like I could run forever. I ran among the cherry trees, up and down rolling hills and a passed a fellow jogger who enthusiastically greeted me. "She gets it", I thought to myself. We wished each other a great run and a great day. People who get up early to run want to be out there. We share a connection. No one makes us go but ourselves. And we like it. I would assume we all run to clear our minds and to carve out that "me" time for ourselves. It's our therapy, not just exercise.

Towards the end of my run I paused to snap the picture below. It isn't the best quality, but it's moments like this that affirm why I get up early, why I go run. It's about being out in nature, on my own time and no one else's schedule. It's about doing what I want, all for me. It's about not having a thought in my head and loving it. It's just me and the pavement and moments like this... 



Yesterday I got up early and went for a 40 minute walk. Outside. It was 8 degrees. Sadly, this is just the start of the brutal Chicago winte...