Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Because we can all use a little light-hearted nonsense...

Steak or seafood: Probably steak...

Italian or Chinese: Italian for sure.

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi ever since they came out with the "new" Coke in the 90's - it was so gross!

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream!

How old are you: Probably too old to be filling this out, but hey...

How many tattoos: 5

Ever hit a deer: No, but I've pet one.

Rode in a ambulance: Yes, and why is this question always on these quizzes?

Ice skated: Poorly.

Rode a motorcycle: Yep. 

Stayed in hospital: Against my will and I was not a good patient.

Favorite season: Any time it's not cold or wet. 

Broken Bones: An unconfirmed broken toe (which still doesn't bend correctly!)

Favorite color: Purple.

Sunrise or Sunset: Sunrise

Ocean or Mountain: Ocean view from the mountain top...

Morning or Night: The morning is my jam!

Favorite alcoholic drink: Spicy margaritas!

Favorite sport: Cubs baseball

Movies or music: Movies for sure...

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