Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19: Part 2

How is COVID-19 impacting you? I've had many events postponed that I was thoroughly looking forward to and I'm starting to get irritated! Yes, I said irritated. 

I am irritated at the mass hysteria that the media and government has created surrounding this virus and all the fall out. You can argue about needed safety precautions until you're blue in the face, that is not what I am against here. I feel that the "powers that be" have gone beyond safety and now caused a ridiculous amount of panic that is screwing with peoples lives far beyond health issues and now impacting lively hood and financial well being of many. 

From a "history repeats itself" and somewhat conspiracy theory point of view, how scary is it that we've willingly allowed the government to create a panic and then been all to happy to have them take away many of our freedoms in the name of "safety"? Does anyone see anything wrong here, or is it just me? No doubt based on where this strain of COVID-19 originated from that it is man made. Was it released on purpose? Was it spread for payback against other nations?

You can think I'm crazy, but what I'm asking you to do is think outside of the box that the media paints for you. Question things. Whatever we as a nation give up during this time, we may not get back. I do hope we can learn from this situation and perhaps implement some new safety precautions where the food industry is concerned, but there is so much more going on that I don't agree with.

Everyone has joked about or seen movies referring to a zombie apocalypse and we tend to picture half-dead silly monsters wandering around. But I say the zombies are those who are hoarding toilet paper and blind-fully swallowing the poison that the media shovels at you. Wake up zombies. Stop the insanity. Wash your hands and carry on. 

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