Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 13

It's day 13 of being at home for me, with minimal exits from the house. During this time I've gone to the grocery store and for a walk, that's about it (as it should be). I am contemplating a trip to the grocery store today for more rations, but actually fear going out among the public. It's been a very slow and hard mental shift for me to adjust to the lack of activities I can participate in, but I am working to remind myself to be grateful for the things and people that remain.

Things I'm grateful for? 

- Friends that continue to check in and Face Time with me.  
- Entertaining social media posts.
- Rocky movie marathons on TV.
- Being employed and being able to work from home (despite the ergonomic disaster I am!).
- Virtual running clubs.
- Saving money (due to lack of going out to spend it).
- Tummy issues that seem to be (slowly) resolving themselves.

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