Saturday, December 5, 2020

Day 264

It's Saturday December 5th. I'm sitting outside of a local downtown wine shop next to an (ineffective) outdoor heater. I enjoy a bottle of wine with my significant other despite the fact the temps are in the low thirties. This arrangement is COVID induced of course, since indoor seating options are not available. I take a moment during the chilly-chill session to mention and appreciate that the temperature isn't any colder than what it is.  As I see shoppers and future diners wandering about, I wonder how much farther into the winter season we'll still be seeing people bustling about and staying active.

I reminisce and am reminded that a hiking guide once told me, during a -30* snowshoeing and dogsledding adventure, that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Thankfully I've learned how to layer effectively since then so I can continue to enjoy outdoor activities such as running and (hopefully) snowshoeing. Do the dropping temperatures make you hunker down under the covers waiting for Spring to arrive? Or do you embrace the chill and find joys in the outdoor world despite the cold? What, if anything, is your outdoor winter activity of choice?

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