Thursday, December 3, 2020

Day 262

Nothing like the simple act of bending over to retrieve an item off the floor and feeling that dreaded twinge of electricity shoot through your back that lets you know you're heading to the chiropractor today. It's learned far too late in life that youth is indeed wasted on the young. I remember hearing that phrase as a kid and paying no mind to it, but now it indeed resonates. 

When did I become my parents? When did I become old? I remember my vision getting worse seemingly over night on my 40th birthday. I can't eat whatever I want without consequences these days and things that shouldn't creak and crack when they move do just that. I feel like the Tin Man in need of an oil can some days. I suppose the trade off to all the physical aches that come with age is that typically we're all better off mentally and financially by the time the physical woes start to set in. That counts for something, right? 

Cheers to another day above ground I suppose, and knowing that things could be worse! I mean, I can actually walk to the car to drive myself to the chiropractor so that's a good thing! What are you dealing with that makes you feel old? 


  1. I am in my 50s and find that I am strong as I ever was, but recovery from things like weight lifting takes a good bit longer than it used to. The real difference I find is when you get hurt it takes much longer to heal as you get older, and that your tendons and ligaments stiffen some, so they are more likely to get hurt now, than they were before.

  2. It's so great you've maintained your strength and continue to work out. Fingers crossed for a continued healthy and active December for you!



Yesterday I got up early and went for a 40 minute walk. Outside. It was 8 degrees. Sadly, this is just the start of the brutal Chicago winte...