Monday, January 18, 2021

Day 310

Today was my first day of physical therapy for my non compliant SI joint. That's what I refer to it as since it doesn't allow me to do the things I desire. You know like run, exercise or sleep more than 45 minutes at a time. To date I've been resting it, icing, heating, stretching, applying topical ointments (BenGay, BioFreeze, etc) and receiving chiropractic care with only some improvement. Some days, or I should say moments, I feel perfectly fine and others I feel like there are knuckles grinding on the back of my pelvis. It's been a month of these bodily shenanigans and I'm growing impatient. 

During my physical rehab session I performed and received exercises and stretches to practice at home three times a day until my next appointment. These limited movements and about 20 minutes of walking is all I'm prescribed (allowed) to do as of the moment. I hope they help. This activity is a far cry from the amount of running and working out I was happily doing prior to injury. 

If things don't physically improve over the next two weeks I will be getting an MRI to see if something more is going on than just inflamed tissue around the SI joint and general SI dysfunction. While I don't think or feel like it's more than an SI joint issue, I want to be able to rule out more complex issues if the pain continues. 

All whining aside, all I can think is - what is this teaching me? If 2020 in general didn't teach us to slow down and give your life some introspection I can sure tell you a limiting physical injury will. As I wonder what my future holds I think about the condition of my body and will it last me until old age. Perhaps this is my sign to slow down physically and try something "kinder" to my body? Stretch more? I don't know. I am doing my best to follow doctor's orders and behave myself but darn is it hard. I am grateful however, if this had to happen at least it's over the winter during a time that I am not missing outdoor activities (if there are any to enjoy due to  COVID) - so I have that going for me at least! Hopefully by the time the weather warms, I'll find my stride and be able to swing my golf clubs. Fingers crossed! 


  1. Having had a lot of injuries over the years, and since I have been going to the gym for almost 40 years, I can tell you that the thing that has helped me most in rehabilitating stuff, is taking seriously, and working hard on, making the the supportive muscles around your injured area much stronger. It doesn't happen right away, but I have found if you can successfully take some of the burden off your inured area that way, it allows the inured area to heal faster and better.

    Good luck in your rehab.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes. You are 110% right! I am finally (forced) to take the time to work on balancing out my imbalance issues that I believe are behind this injury. I'm sure running and ignoring it has led me here, along with believing that minimal stretching was doing me some preventative good. I am "all in" on the prescribed strengthening exercises and stretches.

  2. Ugh, it should read injured. I hate auto-correct.



Yesterday I got up early and went for a 40 minute walk. Outside. It was 8 degrees. Sadly, this is just the start of the brutal Chicago winte...