Monday, May 11, 2020

Day 56

Are you planning for the future yet? Beyond thinking about things like getting a professional  haircut or visiting your favorite bar, what are your thoughts about travel? When will it be "safe" to start planing major trips? This is what I find myself questioning today. When is it realistic to plan and take a trip without fears of health concerns or of it being cancelled due to ongoing COVID issues?

I'm currently eye-balling a hiking trip for May 2021 and while there's an urgency to book it due to the limited group size, I fear committing to it. Getting my hopes up for a new adventure with the unknown state of our future welfare causes much internal turmoil for me. Typically I don't worry about planning events and have faith that all will proceed as planned. COVID-19 has changed that for me. Having watched my current 2020 plans disappear one after another due to cancellations, I don't want to add more heartbreak to that list of "things I planned and didn't get to do".  So I ask, "To plan, or not to plan?". What would you do?

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