Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I don't stretch or do yoga often enough despite knowing how beneficial it is so I thought I'd set up a stretching session with a local massage chain. They offer two different types of fitness stretching sessions however, despite multiple on-line attempts to schedule an appointment I grew frustrated and found an alternative location (because yes, it was too difficult to pick up the phone!) that offered a stretching massage. 

Upon arrival I explained I wanted to be stretched. A lot. Like Stretch Armstrong stretched. Unfortunately, despite some stretching and a great massage, the experience of "stretch" fell short. Like, really short. My masseuse stretched my arms and upper body for a few minutes on each side and did minimal to no leg work. So, ultimately, I still feel the need to go back to my first choice of massage chain to schedule the original stretch session I had in mind. D'oh!

Despite the lack of stretching, the upside of my massage experience was that CBD oil was used. Having no experience with CBD products, I didn't know what to expect, if anything. I  was pleasantly surprised by the scent and relaxation effect.  My shoulders and upper back, where I carry the most tension, felt at ease for the rest of the day. I don't know how much of that was due to the massage versus the oil, but I'll take it either way!

What are you doing for you today? 

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