Saturday, January 25, 2020


So I had that stretching appointment I couldn't wait for and I'm not sure what to think about it! I signed up for a 30 minute session expecting the worst because I have tight muscles and assumed some of the therapy would be painful. In reality the stretching was actually just 20 minutes (to allow for a 5 minute pre and post discussion of what occurred) but it FELT more like 5 minutes! It went SO fast! I enjoyed it but left feeling like I wanted and needed more and because of that, I questioned if it was worth the money. 

The pros of my visit include that my therapist was amazing! She was personable and very knowledgeable of her craft. She advised me how I could do the stretches at home with or without modifications and she taught me new stretches as well as how to improve upon old familiar ones. During the actual stretches I felt my muscles being worked, but not to the point of pain, which is a good thing, right?  

On the flip side though, I expected pain. Twisted, right? But somehow, I equated the idea of pain with feeling better. So now my question is, do I go back and try the 60 minute session (really 50 minutes) to see if I "feel" it more? Am I even supposed to "feel" it? Am I a victim of believing the old adage of "no pain, no gain" therefore thinking it wasn't effective when it really was? (Pretty sure I am!) I guess only another session, with a no-pain expectation set, will tell. Wish me luck! 

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