Monday, February 3, 2020


I woke up this morning CRABBY! I didn't sleep well, couldn't relax, couldn't get comfortable, blah blah blah. I woke up earlier than normal and was just irritated. I tried to fall back asleep until it was time to actually get up (at 4am) but that didn't really work either. The alarm finally went off to put me out of my toss-and-turn misery, but I hit snooze anyway. As if that extra 8 minutes of unrest was going to change my life? Yeah, it didn't. 

Begrudgingly, I got up and dressed for the gym and left the house by 4:35, late by my standards. Oh well, I thought. At this point just showing up is a "win". Despite my cranky demeanor, I was happy to be met by my fellow 5am class takers (we are a special breed!) and chat pre-workout.  

With a goal in mind I put my body to work and went all out the best I could. I cheered on others, I talked smack and got to listen to some of my favorite tunes (Crazy Train by Ozzy is the all time best to work out to, I swear by it!). Before I knew it, my 55 minutes of insanity was over, my calorie goal was met and I was stretching in my cool down. I fist bumped my Coach and a few others on my way out wishing them all a good day. Yes, it will be a good day I thought. Crabby-crisis averted.

What helps you un-crab yourself when you're in a bad mood? For me a good workout is paramount, but when the gym isn't available I believe in the aromatherapy power of  Aveda's Chakra 2 Balancing Mist, check it out! Well, despite how you may have woken up here's to a happy Monday!  

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